All About Sprout


Sprout in-home preschool provides a fun and safe environment for children to play, explore and learn. Children learn best by moving their bodies, so we design our activities to be hands-on, self-directed, creative, physical, and social. Our program is play-based with some teacher-led activities and a variety of open-ended materials that allow children to build, create, pretend, and use their own ideas. Many of the materials are designed to help children develop the skills needed for later learning. For example, as Jaeda pours sand from a big bucket into a small cup, she begins to understand something about volume, weight, and gravity. As Max builds a street with wooden unit blocks, he learns something new about proportion, size, and shape.

The early years are a unique and exciting time as children are busy developing physically, emotionally, and cognitively. At Sprout Preschool, kids will enjoy a rich social environment as they experience what it is like to be part of a group. With guidance, they learn to share, take turns, and communicate their feelings. We nurture curiosity and compassion so that children feel a deep sense of acceptance towards themselves and others.

It takes a village...

We view our preschool as part of a community of people - kids, teachers, and parents! - continuing to learn and grow. We celebrate the diversity of our Seward Park/Columbia City neighborhood and strive to reflect this in the materials we provide. We work hard to build strong relationships within our community. Our low teacher to child ratio (1 to 4.5) allows us to bond with each child and work with him or her individually, and to establish a strong working partnership with parents and caregivers. Our commitment to a healthy community and open communication is crucial to creating an environment that enables each child to thrive.


Caterpillars: (ages 2.5-3.5) T, Th from 8:30-12:30

Grasshoppers: (ages 3-5) M, W, F from 8:30-12:30


We use a combination of theme based and emergent curriculum. Some of the themes we have studied this year are: things that go, chickens, plants, bodies, and outer space.

Through their explorations, play, social interactions, and instruction, children will learn:

Introduction to School Community

Respect for self, others, and the environment

Being part of a group (listening, taking turns)

Curiosity, initiative, and persistence

Social and Emotional

Sense of self as an individual, as part of a family, and a larger community

Ability to identify and communicate emotions to peers and adults

Conflict resolution skills and showing empathy for others

Respect and appreciation of similarities and differences (cultures, families, ethnicities, beliefs, lifestyles)

Physical Development and Healthy Lifestyles

Self-help skills (washing hands, potty, eating, dressing)

Fine motor (draw, cut, pick up peas, turn pieces of a puzzle to make them fit, paint)

Large motor (climb, hop, run, dance, build, kick a ball)


Meaningful Literacy

Reading (get meaning from print)

Writing (use drawing and writing to communicate)

Listening and phonological awareness (sounds)

Oral language (stories, songs, rhymes)

Introduction to Spanish (greetings, common objects)


Number sense (counting, numerals, operations)

Geometry (sorting, shapes)

Measurement (identify and describe length, volume, weight, time using tools needed to measure)

Data (organize and use information to ask and answer questions)

Patterns (identify, repeat and describe simple patterns using objects)


Sensory experiences

Guided inquiry (asking questions, observing, recording what we have learned)

Physical science (properties, volume, weight, motion)

Life science (animals, environments)

Earth and space (changes in the earth and sky, weather, planets)

Creativity and Artistic Expression

Exposure to a variety of music and instruments

Use a variety of art materials for self-expression

Engage in a variety of creative movement and dramatic play

Daily Routine

We balance the day with a predictable schedule to promote confidence and security but with enough flexibility to meet individual needs.

Lunch and Snack

Kids bring a sack lunch and snack from home.

5124 S. Orcas Street Seattle, WA 98118     |     206-390-3558     |